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Texas Seat Belt Requirements

Understanding Seat Belt Requirements in Texas
In the state of Texas, seat belts are required by law. As a lawyer, it is important to understand the relevant laws and regulations that apply to your clients and their cases. But what exactly do you need to know about seat belt requirements in Texas? Let’s take a closer look.
Texas Law on Seat Belts
In Texas, all drivers and passengers in vehicles must wear seat belts at all times while driving or riding in any motor vehicle.
This applies regardless of whether they are in the front or back seats, and regardless of how short or long the trip is. Failure to comply with this law may result in a fine up to $200 for each violation.
Exemptions from Seat Belt Laws
Who Is Exempt From Wearing A Seat Belt?
There are several exemptions from the requirement for motorists to wear seat belts, including people who have medical conditions which prevent them from wearing a seat belt due to medical advice from a physician; people operating authorized emergency vehicles; taxicab drivers transporting passengers; transit employees; postal service employees; and individuals operating special mobile equipment (e.g., forklifts).
See also…defective air bag lawsuit attorney.
Additionally, there are no penalties for children under 17 who are not wearing seat belts if the vehicle does not have lap/shoulder belts installed.
It is important to note that even though certain individuals may be exempt from wearing a seat belt under Texas law, they may still be found liable for damages caused during an accident if they were not wearing their seat belt at the time of the incident.
Estimated Number Of Deaths Prevented by Seat Belts
According to…https://www.thezebra.com/resources/research/seat-belt-statistics/
On average, 47% of people who die in car accidents weren’t wearing their seat belts. (IIHS)
And…15,000 lives are saved every year by wearing a seat belt. (NHTSA)
The importance of understanding Texas laws regarding seat belt use cannot be overstated.
As a lawyer working with clients in the state of Texas, it is essential that you understand these laws so that you can properly advise your clients on their legal obligations when it comes to wearing a seatbelt while driving or riding in any motor vehicle.
By staying informed about these laws and regulations, you can provide your clients with sound legal counsel and help ensure that their rights remain protected.