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Fort Worth Car Accident Reports

Fort Worth Police Active Calls
Fort Worth Accident Reports
The police officer who responds to a request for assistance at the scene of an accident in Fort Worth is required to prepare a police report for the accident. That report should contain facts related to the accident, and the opinions of the police officer investigating the accident scene. People injured in car accidents often seek these reports because they act as crucial evidence when filing a claim for accident damages and injuries. You can get access to this report in the following ways:
- Pick it up in person at the Fort Worth PD Headquarters
- Request for the report by mail
- Retrieve a copy of the report online
Learn more about fort worth car accident reports by contacting an experienced Houston car accident attorney near you.
Retrieving A Fort Worth Police Report
Fort Worth Police Accident Reports
To retrieve the report online you will have to visit the Fort Worth PD website and search by the report number. It will cost you $11 to get the report online. You can also pick the report in person at the Fort Worth PD Headquarters during business days from 7 am to 5 pm. They are located at 1000 Calvert St, Forth Worth, TX 76107. If you decide to request for the report by mail, you will have to pay a fee of $6. Before you retrieve the accident report you need to note the following:
- You will need to pay an extra $2 for the police report to be certified
- The police report is prepared within 10 days after the date of the accident
- You may need to provide a credit card number, a cashier’s check, or money order when requesting the report by mail
- If you suffered serious injuries or significant property damage in the accident, hire a lawyer to review the report on your behalf and tell you your options
What Is In A Police Report
Fort Worth Police Department Accident Reports
The investigating police officer in an accident scene inspects vehicles, talk to witnesses, measure distance, take photographs and writes notes. A significant amount of the information gathered will be present in an accident report. That is why police reports are such as great asset if you intend to file a personal injury case against a negligent driver or when filing a claim with an insurance company. Some of the information the report contains includes:
- Diagram of the accident
- Date, time, and location of the motor vehicle crash
- The weather and road conditions at the scene of the accident
- Names, addresses, phone numbers and other identifying information for parties that were involved in the accident
- Citations for any traffic law violations of the parties in the accidents
- Statements from eye witnesses of the accident and parties involved in the accident
- Identifying information for eye witnesses of the accident
- Opinions about the at-fault party and the cause of the accident
Police reports are an important document during settlement negotiations but that doesn’t mean that their content cannot be disputed. Insurance companies can carry out their own investigations and come up with different opinions from those in the crash report. Plaintiffs may also dispute the police report if the report has contains inaccuracies about a motor vehicle accident.
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Houston Car Accident Lawyers FAQ
What is the procedure for obtaining a copy of a Fort Worth police accident report?
Please call (817) 392-4160 to inquire about the status of your report and to confirm that an accident report was filed at the scene. The Police Records Division, located at 1000 Calvert Street, may provide certified copies of accident reports.
Are police reports in Texas public record?
The front page of a police report is usually open to the public. Records that if released would obstruct the investigation or prosecution of a crime are excluded from disclosure. The Texas Public Information Act does not apply to information gathered and kept by the judiciary.
In Texas, how long are police reports kept?
A period of two years. Retention Note: Dispatch records must be appraised for historical significance by the records management officer prior to disposal, and any identified by the records management officer to deserve permanent retention for historical reasons must be kept permanently.