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Filing A Complaint Against Your Insurance Company

Filing A Complaint Against Your Insurance Company
Running into trouble with your insurance company is really frustrating especially in situations where you have no alternative source of funding. Fortunately, the Texas Department of Insurance has a department where you can file complaints against insurance companies, adjusters, and insurance agents. The agency can intervene to help you if you feel that you are being treated unfairly.
How To File The Complaint
You can visit the Texas Department of Insurance website and download a form that you can fill to start the process of complaint. If you want help filing a complaint with them online, you can call (800)252-3439 with your questions. You can also print out their complaint form, fill it and then mail it to them yourself to:
Texas Department of Insurance
Consumer Protection Section (MC111-1a)
P.0.BOX 149091
Austin, Texas 78714-9091
Sending an email to the department using the ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov address is another way to start the process of complaint. However, the agency recommends that you speak with your insurance customer service department to try and resolve the issue before you file a complaint. You can call TDI for a toll free number of your insurance company or look for a toll free number on your policy. Have your policy number ready when contacting the insurance company and ask for a written response to your problem or complaint. A written response can act as evidence later if you choose to file a lawsuit against the insurance company.
Information You Need When Filing A Complaint
You need the following information before you start filing the complaint against the insurance company:
- A detailed description of your problem
- Your insurance policy number
- Names of the insurance adjusters and agents involved in your case
- A copy of your insurance card
- What you think will be fair resolution of your problem
- Copies of documents or materials that support your case
There are certain things you can do immediately after an accident that can give you leverage when the insurance company tries to deny your claim. For example, you can take photographs and record videos of the damage to your car. You should also wait for an adjuster to inspect the damage to your car before your repair it.
What TDI Can And Cannot Do
The Texas Department of Insurance has its limitations and may not always offer much help. It is very rare for the agency to handle individual insurance claims mostly because they often overworked and underpaid. They are more likely to tell you to try and resolve your complaint with the insurance company’s customer service.
TDI is also not able to help you determine the at-fault party in your accident because they do not deal with legal matters. If the insurance company is denying your claim because they maintain you are the at-fault party, your only option is to take the litigation route. The Texas Department of Insurance is more likely to help you in the following situations:
- When the insurance adjuster delays making a settlement and does not give a reason for doing so
- When the adjuster refuses to make any offer at all for your personal injury claim
- When the insurance adjuster has used pressure tactics or provided false information